About Us
We are a non-profit organization that relies solely on the funding we raise from local businesses, friends and family. Every single donation helps pay for essential items, such as pool time, referees, insurance, games and tournaments, coaches, etc.: without donations, we wouldn't have a season!
Lava Bear Water Polo has players from both Bend Senior High School, Caldera, and other schools without a program. These players work extremely hard throughout the entire year to ensure they can play - during the off-season they are recruiting for our growing program, hosting social hangouts, practicing/swimming, and fundraising (not to mention their normal day jobs). They are truly an amazing, fun-loving group and we'd love to have you come watch one of our games to see what we're about!
Our program is operated by a group of parent volunteers who make up our Board and are more than happy to answer any questions!
Kristi Testerman, President
Jenn Betuk, Vice President
Magadalyn Hasse, Secretary
Jeremy Testerman, Treasurer
Contact our club at www.lavabearwaterpolo@gmail.com
Hope to see you out there!
Lava Bear Water Polo is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Therefore, your donation is 100% tax deductible. 100% of the donations go to the funding of our Bend High water polo program to ensure that players have access to pool space, competitions, and uniforms.